Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A pretty good excuse for a super long absence

Yep, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I completely meant to continue Grace’s story and post weekly installments, including her funeral, and how people helped us heal along the way, and the episode of life-threatening hemorrhaging I endured the day before Christmas Eve 2008. And I completely meant to make this blog something I kept up with – I get so many, so so many hits on it, even still!

I meant to come on here and post pictures of the new house we moved into, and tell you how amazing it felt to leave behind the apartment that had become so associated with loss and pain. We have been thrilled to start a new life in a new home!

And I meant to tell you about Grace’s one-year birthday this past fall, and how covered with everyone’s prayers we felt that day. And how many encouraging emails and cards we received that day, and how it left me in awe of God’s provisions of friends in times of need. I wanted to tell you how we went to Grace’s gravesite on November 4, 2009, and how I was struck with memories of my childhood walking those same fields as a kid and teenager and dream of my future life – husband, home, children. And how I would have never guessed where my life would have taken me by then, staring down at my daughter’s grave.

But the funny thing is, I felt so overwhelmingly joyful and surprisingly peaceful in the days leading up to Grace’s birthday that I just couldn’t come on here and post any more of her sad story. Something in me changed. The cloud of depression had lifted.

So, why am I posting now?

Well, the story isn't quite as sad at the moment.

Because Grace is going to be a big sister.

Little boy or girl coming July 2010. Praise God through whom all blessings flow.

P.S. I do still plan to finish Grace’s story. And begin sharing the story of baby #2!


Rachel Brenke Photography said...

CONGRATSSSSSSS!!!! i had a feeling!! Youv'e been on my heart! im so excited for you!!

Julie M. said...

I have been praying so much for you, especially over this Christmas season! Congratulations!!!! I am beyond excited for you. Can't wait to see more posts to come.

Robin said...

Congrats!!!! I'm so happy for you and Jeff. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Heather and Jeff! I'm so glad to see happy news for you! We'll keep praying that all goes well- love to you guys!!

sarahmarie0730 said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you! This has made my day. xoxo

Becky said...

Congratulations again, Heather and Jeff. I'm so happy to cry tears of joy for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Heather, Just wanted to you know that I truly admire your strength. I know and fully understand where you and Jeff are coming from as Lorien, Heather and Travis are all children with siblings in heaven. Know that God never gives us more then we can handle and I know you will be as blessed as Mr. Benson and I have been. Always look to the future with the love and blessings of the past. Mrs. B

Sarah Schneider said...

ahhhhh praising Him with yall =)

Connie Fulmer said...

Congratulations to you and Jeff! I am so excited for you that I am speechless. Connie Fulmer

Unknown said...


Pam said...

Congratulations, Heather! I am SO happy for you both.

Meg Sexton said...

Such wonderful news Heather!

Abeonde said...

Oh Heather - i'm so so tremendously happy for you and Jeffrey. I'm just in tears now at my desk. I'll be keeping the three of you (and Grace) in my thoughts!

Team Paget said...

So happy for you Heather! Sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way!

tea_time said...

Seeing the joy and congratulations of so many friends, family and even strangers for your pregnancy warms my heart! You are such a loved person, mommy and friend. :)

Rose-Anne said...

I am SO very happy for you! I was just waiting to hear this great news and had been thinking about you a lot lately. Enjoy every moment of this special time!

Stef B said...

Congratulations, Heather! I'm so so so thrilled for you! How far along are you? How are you feeling? Praying for a healthy and happy pregnancy and beyond! xoxo

Unknown said...

Congratulations Heather! I have to say I had a feeling about this and I'm so glad it's true! What a gracious God we serve! Here's to baby #2!

Shana said...

Oh my goodness. What awesome news. I'm so happy for you and Jeff. Please keep us posted on all of the little details.

mindy said...

Love you girl!

Brown Family said...

I am soooo happy for you and Jeff. I just now read your new post and I hope you are feeling great with this pregnancy!! I am so excited for you! Congrats!

Ayse Wiediger said...

I can't tell you how deeply happy I am for you and Jeffrey. Wishing you continued blessings and know that we're all continuing to pray for you all and baby #2!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations on your sweet miracle!! God is great!
We will continue to pray for all of you including the newest little Young.... :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I have long been waiting for the day you would share such great news. Couldn't be happier for you, Heather!

Stephanie H. said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you and Jeff.

Jen said...

I don't know you, but I pop on to your blog every once and a while. I was so happy to come on today and read this happy news! Congratulations

Unknown said...

Congratulations! You will have a fantastic testimony to share. And how you will love this little one that you have waited so long for!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Fantastic news! Love the ultrasound picture. Praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

congratulations, heather :) what a blessing!

~S said...


This is going to sound so strange, but you don't know me...I found your blog while googling the dress I wore on my wedding day (don't ask!), and somehow found you! It appears we wore the same gown. Anyway, I too had a daughter named Grace, who was born and went to Jesus after her premature birth at 24 weeks. Now I too am finally pregnant and will hopefully deliver in July. I have been reading the story of your beautiful daughter, and will continue to follow along with your journey. May God bless you and your family!

Kelly Zook said...

Heather - I am so excited for you. I check your blog often and cannot wait to hear stories about your new little one! You are still in our prayers.

Melissa said...

This is some of the best news ever! I am so happy for you both!!

Unknown said...

congratulations! I'm so happy to hear this wonderful news!! I often check back for updates and was so thrilled to see that you were back with such a happy thing to post about.

Kim said...

Tears are pouring.
So happy for you Heather & Yeti.
We will be lifting all 3 of you up daily in our prayers.
So very excited for you.

Jenni Oates said...

This is a journey that there are no words for. You are a strong woman. Blessings on you and your family.

Shana said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog.

We are doing all All-in-Ones - Fuzzi Bunz - a friend recommended them. She's used them on her 2 kiddos and couldn't say enough good things about them. We went the one size fits all route too, just to save money - they appear kind of big so we may need to do newborn disposables until Baby Dreher gets above 8-9 pounds. We'll see!

I'm looking forward to more updates on your pregnancy. :)